Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We should know better......

Do you think that one could be wicked enough to portray the morals of a decent human being while doing the exact opposite, hidden from the public eye? If there is a hint of the word "Politician" then yeah, you are probably getting what I mean. Lots of others in that same category are out there too but the list is too long to make it worthwhile posting.

So what sort of pickle is up my ass that makes me write about this tonight? Lot of stuff going on in the world today and I come home to find out that I am part of that world. You know, you look at that 32" square box called SONY and think yeah, ok cool - move along to the next thing. You dont realize that some of the stuff it spits out affects YOU.

The Lehman brothers story was shown on the Fifth Estate on CBC. A good show and a great documentary. I cannot say that I was directly involved with the issues, I mean, they are bankrupt and Barclay's has taken them over, but the thing is, when an empire gets that large, that powerful - to the point that it affects the US housing market across the nation, ultimately affecting inflation, wages, bankruptcies, interest rates, pretty much ALL the fabric of society, we look down, we are embarrassed and no doubt ashamed. But we shouldn't be.

This regime, like many others, was permitted to operate in the USA and Canada without enough government and policy intervention to restrict and expose the real intentions that were in force and of "good faith". It was happening while we slept. Money being stolen from the coffers of every good employee who had to pull a couple of overtime shifts to cover the doubled mortgage payment due to "interest rate increases" or a "change to your terms and conditions".

If you know me, you'll know that I don't even live in the States. Nice place but it's not the place for me. I already have my roots set and aside from winning the lottery and bailing out to a nice peaceful refuge I'm here for the long run.

But here is the thing. Canada and the US are hooked together so closely in the financial scheme of things that we just take the day to day as "well this is what is happening in North America". Yeah, we are the western civilization. More notably, we are becoming a nation of people who raise their voice at the TV about a proposed hike or a foreclosure, but I'm certainly waging a bet that you won't be at the "associated protest" a week later, if there is one. Lazy fucks.

Money spells convenience. What is it worth to you? If you heard on the evening news that the city was going to charge an extra 75c to pickup your garbage, you would be outraged!!! In fact, the verbage would probably be something like "those god damn poeple cant do this, I pay my god-damn taxes and they go and do this?" After that, you'll still be pissed but it will wear off - quickly - in most cases by the next day, or maybe sooner - You might be distracted by the pizza guy at the door or your burgers on the grill, but thats it......You get your tax bill a few weeks later and there is that 75c charge. Big deal. You pay it - like nothing happened.

You just supported infrastructure. Its one of those mystical words and I hear that if people say it too many times they explode. LOL. The extra 75c might not even go into the garbage pickup but it's in the hands of the people who are going to invest it and move it around to make it work for them.....Because of the shitheads like the Lehman Brothers; investments and the like are now being created, explored and worked with. Remember, US & Canadian investments were closely related so LB closing down had some pretty intense response from Canada.

And the garbage pickup thing - it was an example, but it also goes to show you how we are so fluid with our day to day life and just the mere fact that we accept that we have to pay more and do so. Where is that money going? Look at your options. Just "look" in general. We have been blind for so long. Time to open our eyes.